Happy Easter

A Happy Easter to everyone. We hope your break is rejuvenating and restful !

We are looking to recruit more members of staff from both teaching and support staff for help us in our mission to improve staff wellbeing. We meet every half term and our rationale is to ..

Raise the profile of wellbeing and mental health across the school, promote and lead activities which support wellbeing, signpost support for staff, suggest training for staff and middle leaders which will support wellbeing and mental health, provide feedback to SLT via surveys etc and give feedback on new procedures and policies.

Update on this year

To start the year we were able to secure a slot on INSET day for wellbeing which was a first and we received some training from the Mental Health Support Team. In the Autumn term we conducted the first wellbeing survey and gave feedback of the results to SLT identifying priorities for the coming year. Some social events were organised included INSET day events and Christmas party. The wellbeing noticeboard was revamped with more information and details of where to find support such as helplines etc. We listened to feedback and requested that staff break and lunchtimes be respected. We facilitated stress awareness course for middle leaders in addition to some signposting of support for members of staff who have contacted the team.

Reminder: In the event that you or a colleague is struggling with work related stress or another mental health issue or for any other reason home or work related, the best course of action is to first speak to your line manager or SLT above them to access support. Here is a National College Stress Awareness course that takes 1hr 10 mins to complete and is extremely useful for anyone in any role.


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